Kibos Sugar and Allied Limited has a vibrant Agricultural department manned ably by very experienced staff who oversee cane development undertaken by both large-scale and small-scale farmers. The main tasks of this department are:

  • Mobilise farmers to produce adequate sugarcane for milling
  • Manage timely harvesting of cane from farms and transportation to factory
  • Oversee credit services to farmers
  • Provide technical support to farmers who hire machinery and equipment
  • Manage KSAIL nucleus estate
  • When available, the department offers farmers seed cane from nucleus estate and fertilizer from the government at affordable prices

As equal partners with our farmers, we have continuously endeavoured to make cane farming profitable to farmers and to improve the livelihoods of the communities around the farms in general through activities and services like:

  • KSAIL has built five cane collection weighbridges, two in Kisumu, two in Nandi and one in Kakamega counties. This has had a massive positive impact in the net earnings farmers receive per ton of cane sold to the company because the cane collection points are now closer to the farms. KSAIL was the first company to do so in the country and these have been extremely popular with farmers.
  • The collection centers have dramatically improved local economies because not only are the farmers benefiting from low transport costs, youth have been employed at these facilities in various support positions while women have taken upon the responsibility of catering for the transporters and employees. There has been a rise in transporters in the local areas who ferry cane from farms to the collection centers
  • Prompt payment to farmers has enabled the farmers to meet their social and agricultural obligations like paying cane cutters and transporters on time.
  • Provision of credit facilities to farmers have enabled farmers to prepare farms, tend to crops and harvest cane on time. The credit facilities are afforded in the form of machinery, equipment and with the added value of technical services which would not have otherwise been gotten if farmer procured the same from elsewhere
  • The short distances to the various KSAIL collection centers have ensured that loss due to transportation from farms is limited. Our field staff also advise farmers and transporters on prudent loading and securing methods to further reduce cane loss during haulage

Contact US

Kibos, Off Kibos Road, Kisumu, Kenya
Phone : +254 57-2028151
Email : info@kibossugar.co.ke
